
BRRR Hemp Performance


Pants & Tights

成分 3% EA, 35% HA, 62% rec. PES

克重 200 g/m²

付款 56 inch

起订量 5000 yards



Global Recycle Standard (GRS) Oekotex Standard 100 The Higg Index


Recycled BRRR natural cooling minerals provide cooling + moisture wicking + quick dry performance requiring lower use of artificial chemical cooling to provide sustainable comfort. Recycled performance with 21's hemp + stretch for ultra comfortable chinos or mid layer shirt.

所有数值/信息均由供应商提供,未经 PERFORMANCE DAYS 验证。这些结果是使用 Higg MSI 3.3 计算得出的。这些结果由供应商计算得出,未经第三方验证。


brrr° has patented technology for designing and manufacturing fabric that provides immediate and continuous cooling to actively reduce skin temperature throughout your everyday routine. brrrº's Triple Chill Effect combines the powers of natural cooling minerals, active wicking and rapid drying — and it's permanently integrated into the fiber, so it won't ever fade or wash out over time. We offer an extensive library of brrr° cooling fabrics and yarns that are made with processes that minimize waste for superior sustainability. We also offer brrr° recycled cooling yarns that can help your organization achieve sustainability and ESG goals. brrr° has certifications from OEKO-TEX and GRS to document our sustainability practices. We can also customize our technology to make your existing and new products better with brrr°. Others may say they’re cooling, but we prove it — brrr° fabrics are independently lab tested. Find more of our cooling fabrics in our Online Library.



China, Ecuador, Guatemala, India, Peru, Taiwan, United States, Vietnam


慕尼黑 booth C14

波特兰 展位 709


550 Pharr Rd NE, Suite 500
30305-3428 Atlanta
United States


Exhibitor List March 2024