Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG

CERTIFICATION_Green Button: Hohenstein is an authorised certification body


成分 100% Green button



Textile testing provider Hohenstein has been authorized by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to verify compliance for the Green Button, a German government certification for sustainable textiles. Now, in addition to certification for MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX®, a qualifier for the Green Button, Hohenstein certifies for the 46 Green Button criteria. For more information: https://www.hohenstein.com/en/expertise/sustainability/green-button/?utm_source=hohenstein-com&utm_medium=slider&utm_camp For more information: https://www.hohenstein.com/en/press/detail/227/

所有数值/信息均由供应商提供,未经 PERFORMANCE DAYS 验证。这些结果是使用 Higg MSI 3.3 计算得出的。这些结果由供应商计算得出,未经第三方验证。

Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG

Hohenstein is a family-owned company with more than 75 years of experience in testing, certification and research. With roots in the textile sector, the Hohenstein testing spectrum today includes both softlines and hardlines. Around the globe, more than 1,000 employees work on individual testing and service offerings and customized solutions related to product responsibility, sustainability and market transparency. Customers from all over the world receive everything from a single source: Hohenstein accompanies companies along the entire value chain, from the testing process and certification to the marketing of their products.





慕尼黑 booth A15

上海 展位 J02


Schlosssteige 1
74357 Bönnigheim


Exhibitor List March 2024