Wasa Sweden AB

Snickers 2 colored Reflective transfer

Visibility Add-Ons

成分 90% PU, 10% Reflective Glas Beeds


所有数值/信息均由供应商提供,未经 PERFORMANCE DAYS 验证。这些结果是使用 Higg MSI 3.3 计算得出的。这些结果由供应商计算得出,未经第三方验证。

Wasa Sweden AB

Our company was founded 1940 making press fasteners, eyelets and rivets. From the beginning our goal was to make products with Wasa Sweden Quality. Over the years our range of products has changed greatly and we are now a supplier of all kinds of accessories in many different kinds of material. However we keep the tradition of Wasa Sweden Quality troughout the whole range. In our products as well as in our workmanship. Our customer range from fashion industry, workwear, outdoor, lifejackets, boats and even car industry. In the following pages you will find a brief presentation of our products and some of the brands that rely on our Quality.



China, Sweden


慕尼黑 booth S10

波特兰 展位 1516


Bergsgatan 6
505 51 Fjugesta


Exhibitor List March 2024